Busy registering the last runners. That's co-race director Mariglyn Glenn seated on the right and Greg Grant (her right hand man) on her, er, right. Greg has helped at every run. |
Jay Lee (of Resurrection Run fame) and co-race director Stephen Glenn checking the timing equipment. |
Co-race directors sharing a peaceful moment before the race begins. |
Juan Manuel practicing on his guitar and announcer Walt Pinkston practicing on the air horn. |
Oops. Who forgot to mark the start line? |
Seaborne Challenge Corps volunteers taking a break after setting up the finish line before the runners start coming back. |
Volunteer or runner? Tom Chilek was actually both. Seen here setting up the start line water table. |
Even the runners have to get ready. That's Wayne Musial (if you didn't recognize him from this angle) trying to push over one of the few shade trees. |
When Aaron Koonce starts to blow the horn, the start is close at hand. |